DF type stainless steel corrosion resistant multistage pump
Multistage centrifugal pump
DF horizontal stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump
Key words:
water pump
Head range: 50~2000m
Conveying temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 80 ℃
Inlet pressure: allowable inlet pressure 0.6MPa
Sealing form: packing seal, mechanical seal
Water pump material: HT200, HT250, QT600, ZG, 304, 316, 316L, 317L, 904L, CD4-MCu, etc
- Product Description
- Performance Parameter
- Installation Drawings
- Installation And Use
- Faults And Solutions
- Commodity name: DF type stainless steel corrosion resistant multistage pump
Flow range: 3.75~1400 m3/h<br>Head range: 50~2000m<br>Conveying temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 80 ℃<br>Inlet pressure: allowable inlet pressure 0.6MPa<br>Sealing form: packing seal, mechanical seal<br>Water pump material: HT200, HT250, QT600, ZG, 304, 316, 316L, 317L, 904L, CD4-MCu, etc</br></br></br></br></br>
DF-type stainless steel corrosion-resistant multi-stage pump is used for conveying clear water with solid particles not more than 2% (particle size less than 1mm), medium solid concentration less than 5% wt, temperature ≤ 105 ℃ or other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to clear water, it can be used to transport hot water, oil, corrosive or abrasive media at a temperature ≤ 210 ℃ by changing the material of the pump (or the material of the pump flow parts), sealing form and increasing the cooling system. Corrosion resistant pump type belonging to multistage centrifugal pump series.
Model description:
DF280-43 × 5;
DF-Segmental stainless steel corrosion resistant multistage pump;
280-indicates the flow rate of the pump (m3/h);
43-indicates the single-stage head of the pump (m);
5-indicates series;
Direction of rotation:
Clockwise rotation as viewed from the motor end to the pump.
Material of main parts:
Pump flow components are made of cast steel and stainless steel (304, 316, 316L, 2205, 2507, etc.) two categories.
Scope of package:
The pump is supplied with motor and base, and can be equipped with functional base or its own base. The manufacturer also provides accessories (including discharge cone pipe, gate valve, bottom valve and check valve) and spare parts (including impeller, sealing ring, guide vane sleeve, balance plate and shaft sleeve).
Structure description:
D, DG, MD, DF, DY pumps are mainly composed of fixed parts, rotor parts, bearings and shaft seals.
1. Partial stator
It is mainly composed of water inlet section, middle section, water outlet section and guide vane, etc., and each section is tightened with a bar to form a working room. The inlet of D-type multistage pump is horizontal and the outlet is vertical upward. DG pump inlet and outlet are both vertically upward. MD, DF and DY pumps have their outlets vertically upward and their inlets are generally horizontal. As required, they can also be produced in the vertical upward direction.
2. Rotor part
It is mainly composed of shaft, impeller, balance plate and shaft sleeve. The shaft transmits power to the impeller to make it work; the balance disc is used to balance the axial force; the shaft is equipped with a replaceable sleeve to protect the shaft.
3. Bearing part
It is mainly composed of bearing body, bearing and bearing gland. In addition to 85-67, 155-67, 600-60 type pump using sliding bearings, thin oil lubrication, the rest of the pump are used rolling bearings, grease lubrication. 85-67, 155-67 can also use rolling bearing structure.
4. Shaft seal
Generally, soft packing is used for sealing, which is mainly composed of sealing body, packing and water retaining ring on water inlet section and tail cover. There is a constant pressure of water in the sealing cavity, which plays the role of water seal, water cooling and lubrication. D type pump water seal generally comes from the high pressure water in the pump, DG, MD, DF, DY type pump comes from the pressure water in the pump or external water supply. DG, MD, DF, DY type pump more mechanical seal.
5. Transmission
The pump is directly driven by the prime mover through an elastic coupling. From the prime mover end, the pump rotates clockwise.
(一) 装配顺序:
1) 将密封环分别紧装在进水段及导叶挡板上。
2) 把导翼套装在中段上,然后将导翼挡板装在所有的中段上去。
3) 将装好的轴套甲和乙的轴,穿过进水段,并推入叶轮,在中段上铺上一层纸垫,装上中段,再推入第二个叶轮,重复以上步骤,将所有的叶轮及中段装完。
4) 将平衡环、平衡套及出水段导翼分别装出水段上。
5) 将出水段装在中段上,然后用拉紧螺栓将进水段、中段和出水段紧固在一起。
6) 装上平衝盘及轴套乙(50DB泵无此件)。
7) 将纸垫装到尾盖上,将尾盖装到出水段上,并将填料及填料环,填料压盖顺次装入进水段和尾盖的填料室。
8) 将轴承体分别装到进水段和尾盖以上,并用螺栓紧固。
9) 装入轴承定位套,滚珠轴承,并以螺母固。
10) 在轴承体内装入适量黄油,并将纸垫套在轴承盖上,将轴承盖装到承轴体上以螺钉紧固。
11) 装上联轴器部件,放气考克及所有的四方螺塞。
(二) 安装:
1) 检查水泵和电机。
2) 准备工具及起重机械。
3) 检査机器的基础。
1) 整套水泵运到现场,附带底座者已装好电动机,找平底座吋可不必卸下水泵和电机。
2) 将底座放在地基上,在地脚螺钉附近垫楔形垫铁,将底座垫高约20~40毫米,准备找平后填充水螺浆之用。
3) 用水平仪检査底座的水平度,找平后扳紧地脚螺母用水泥浆填充底座。
4) 经3~4天水泥干固后,再检査一下水平度。
5) 将底座的支持平面、水泵脚、电机脚的平面上的污物洗清除;,,并把水泵和电机放到底座上。
6) 调整泵轴水平,找平后适当上紧螺母,以防走动,待调节完毕后再安装电机,在不合水平处垫以铁板,泵和联轴器之间留有一定间隙。
7) 把平尺放在联轴器上,检査水泵轴心线与电机轴心线是否重合,若不重台,在电机或泵的脚下垫以薄片,使两个联轴器外圆与平尺相平,然后取出垫的几片薄铁片,用经过刨制的整块铁板来代替铁片,并重新检査安装情况。
(三) 起动和停止:
1) 将轴上及其它涂油件上所涕的油涂净。
2) 用汽油清洗轴承和油室,用棉纱擦净。
3) 在轴承体内加入钙基簧油。
4) 试验成功,检査电机转向是否正确,严防水泵发转而使螺母松开,然后开动电机。
5) 往泵内注水或空泵引水。
6) 关闭吐出管上的阀及压力计旋塞。
7) 上述过程完毕后,启动电机,打开压力计旋塞。
8) 当水泵以正常转数运转时,压力计显示适当压力。然后打开真空表旋基并逐渐打开排水管路上的闸阀到需要的压力为止。
9) 当停止水泵吋,要慢慢地关闭排水管路上的闸阀,关闭真空表旋塞,并停止电机,然后关闭压力表旋塞。
10) 长期停止使用水泵时,水泵应拆卸开,将泵零件的水擦开,并在滑动面上涂以防锈油妥善保存。
1) 注意水泵轴承温度,不应超过外界温度35度但高不应大于75度。
2) 填料室内正常漏水程度,为每分钟不大于15毫升,应随时调整填料压盖压紧程度。
3) 定期检査联轴器,注意电机轴承温升。
4) 运转过程中,如发生噪音或异常的声音吋,应立即停车检査其原因。
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