Jiangxi Longheng Industrial Group

Jiangxi Longheng Industrial Group Procurement MDF155-67 * 8(P) Stainless Steel Self-balancing Pump

Jiangxi Longheng Industrial Group is a chemical enterprise subordinate to Jiangxi Yichun Chemical Industry, which mainly produces and sells chemical products (except dangerous explosives), and sells brine, industrial salt and chemical raw materials (except dangerous explosives).

Jiangxi Longheng Industrial Group purchases the MDF155-67 * 8(P) stainless steel self-balancing multi-stage pump manufactured by our factory, with a flow rate of 155 m3/h, a lift of 540m, a material of 316L, a ZA150-250 chemical process pump, a flow rate of 300 m3/h, a lift of 39m, and a material of 316L, which is used at the site of the halogen mining mine of Jiangxi Longheng Industrial Group.

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