Shenhua Group

Shenhua Group uses our factory MD(P) self-balancing multistage centrifugal pump for mining

China Shenhua is the core of the integrated operation of the National Energy Group. The company is mainly engaged in coal, electric power, railway, port shipping and coal chemical industry. Taking coal mining business as the starting point, the company uses its own transportation and sales network, as well as the downstream power and coal chemical industry, to promote the vertical integration development mode of cross industry and cross industry, improve the industrial concentration, increase the added value of products, and form the scale advantage, It constitutes the core competitiveness of China Shenhua.

The coal mines under Shenhua Group purchased MD(P) self-balancing mine multistage centrifugal pumps produced by our factory. After installation and commissioning, there were no major problems. The cooperation between the two sides was very pleasant. Our factory has become a long-term pump supplier of Shenhua Group.