The 12th China Filling Mining Technology and Equipment Conference Held in Hengyang


On July 13, 2024, the 3-day 12th China Filling Mining Technology and Equipment Conference was grandly opened in Hengyang, Hunan. This conference attracted many outstanding domestic and foreign mining technology and equipment companies to participate in the exhibition, fully demonstrating the filling mining The latest technology and equipment in the field.


The conference was jointly sponsored by the Mining Academic Committee of China Nonferrous Metals Society, Changsha Mining Research Institute Co., Ltd. and the National Metal Mining Engineering Technology Research Center. The opening ceremony was presided over by Chu Hongtao, chairman of the Mining Academic Committee of the China Nonferrous Metals Society and deputy general manager of Changsha Mining Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Yin Zhiwei, general manager of Changsha Mining Research Institute Co., Ltd., delivered a speech. Wang Linfeng, party secretary and general manager of Hengyang Vision Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd., delivered an enthusiastic speech at the scene.

After the opening ceremony, Professor Li Xiangdong, chief engineer of Changsha Mining Research Institute Co., Ltd., Professor Ding Dexin, director of academic committee of South China University, and other industry authoritative experts gave wonderful lectures. In two days, more than 30 experts and scholars focused on industry hotspots and gathered industry wisdom. Through case sharing, viewpoint output and topic discussion, they further sorted out the difficulties and pain points in the development of the industry and enabled the high-quality development of new quality productivity.

There were nearly 30 exhibitors at this conference, and the mining and filling equipment launched at the exhibition attracted the attention of many participants. Compared with traditional mining equipment, these systems have higher level of automation and intelligence, stronger equipment reliability and better work efficiency. The participants fully discussed and exchanged the performance parameters of relevant system equipment, mine application and future development trend, which promoted the information exchange and financing of the mining market, and helped the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the mining industry.

With the theme of "Green Mining, High-quality Development", the conference carried out academic exchanges around new methods, new technologies, new materials, and new equipment for low-cost and high-efficiency filling mining, and shared the latest research results and typical mine filling at home and abroad Case, in order to provide technical guidance and experience for mines to achieve the goal of green and low-carbon, and help the mining industry to achieve the goal of "carbon neutrality and carbon peak.

This conference was hosted by Mining Research Journal Publishing (Changsha) Co., Ltd., Hunan Nonferrous Metals Society Mining Professional Committee and Hunan Mine Solid Waste Comprehensive Utilization Engineering Technology Research Center; Hengyang Vision Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd., Hunan Nonferrous Metal Industry Technology Innovation Co-organized by the Strategic Alliance and the School of Resources, Environment and Safety Engineering of South China University.

The 12th China Filling Mining Technology and Equipment Conference has been a complete success, which has brought valuable opportunities and challenges to the industry. We expect that in the future, with the joint efforts of all parties in the industry, the filling mining technology and equipment industry will usher in new development opportunities and challenges, and the filling mining technology and equipment field can make more significant progress and make greater contributions to the development of China's mining industry.